Welcome to our blog!
We are living in crazy times, aren’t we? And yet, it is more important than ever before that we take care of our mental health, think about those around us and do what we can to spread hope. We are so excited to have a space on the web to share a little more of the vision and heart for Only7Seconds. This will be a place we will be sharing stories, education, and what is happening with Only7Seconds.
We believe stories are powerful. We know education of topics like mental health, suicide, phone addiction, depression, the dangers of social media, and anxiety are all subjects that need to be talked about. We also are so excited to share what has happened through Only7Seconds as well as our future plans.
Only7Seconds started because I saw how something that is so simple can be so life-changing. A simple text reaching out can change your whole outlook. After working with our sister non-profit, Delight & Be, for the past eight years, I have spent hundreds of hours with young women from across the nation. Guess what I have learned? It doesn’t take a lot to let someone know you care. . . a text checking in, going out for coffee and talking about life, inviting someone to go for a walk. . . It doesn’t take a degree from Harvard to figure out that when you feel like someone cares, you feel less alone. And we need that. . . we all need that.
This is a place to remind us to remind other that they matter, that they have purpose, that they have more words to be written in their story. This is a place to spread hope, to educate and to continue to share the message of Only7Seconds.
Thank you for being part. . . don’t forget that you matter too,
Kristin Wall, Founder
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