The “college care package Moms group” was inspired by an article I read from Grown & Flown. We all have college freshman away from home for the first time, living in the dorms. I wanted to connect other local moms who are in the same phase and together, support our “babies”. There are 11 of us Moms who get together to make college care packages once a month. We pick a theme, then each of us contributes one item (x 11). The unique piece is that we draw names and send the care package to a kiddo who is not ours. We create an assembly line and fill a flat rate box of goodies, take a picture of the Moms for the box and include a hand written, encouraging note as well. The first box was received very well. The kids thought it was fun to get a box from some else’s mom and loved the goodies we included. They each had different “favorite” items. We got lots of texts and social media shouts outs, which was pretty cute. While these kids didn’t all run in the same social groups, most of them have been in school together since Kindergarten! They are all out there on their own, in a new city, making their way. So hopefully these care boxes are a little taste of home to remind them they’ve got this, that we miss them and that we are proud of them help them to feel connected, a little less lonely and loved!

I chose to include a “Because you Matter” care package box for a few reasons. This group of students have been touched by suicide more times that we’d all like. I think it’s important to tell people they matter. That they are important. That they can do hard things. That they might feel lonely today, but tomorrow will be better. Being away at school can be isolating, especially in the current situation we are in. Even surrounded by people, one can feel alone.
I want these kids to know they are not alone and if by wearing shirt, bracelet or reading an inspiring message can help, then, yes! Mission accomplished.
Shared by: Kristin Conklin, Instructional Coach, Tahoma School District
To order your own care packages to send, you can order them online at our store: www.only7seconds.com/shop

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