Continued from: Notice. Stop. Reframe.
As your thoughts change, you walk out this gift into changing your habits.
Below are some tips to practically step into knowing that this GIFT of the present moment, to thrive today instead of just getting through. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. It is time to ask yourself “What do you REALLY want?” Will you CHOOSE to control your thoughts with reframed thoughts and walk out new habits in the present moment- the greatest gift. It is not easy, it takes persistence but it is worth it…give it a try and jump off the roller coaster ride today.

Here are a few tips for using your new positive thoughts to create to new habits and choosing:
- Structure– Maintain a daily routine: wake up, eat meals, go to bed, etc.-all at the same time every day. Exercise daily- even if for only 10-15 minutes. Try to get outside or try a free YouTube exercise videos, apps, Pinterest workouts, or local gyms online. Make sure to get plenty of sleep each night and watch alcohol/drug/caffeine intake which will exacerbate any depression or anxious feelings.
- Trusted Sources– Anchoring into those whom you trust. As a believer in God, I find it so important to pray daily, read my devotions using my Bible app on YouVersion and connect with wise friends. That is my Trusted Source. Think about who your trusted source is and use it as a positive anchor. Make sure to limit the amount of News you consume, social media and the like- the fear, negativity takes its toll.
- Connection– Keeping connection with friends, family, and church. This might look different right now with social distancing but worth the effort. It is okay to not be okay, but make sure you are checking in with friends and family often and not staying stuck. It is good and normal to reach out to a professional to talk to.
- Focus of control– You are in control of many things. Feel empowered by the things you do have control over instead of focusing on the things you cannot control. You always have control over the way you react to any given situation.
- Do something- Journal. Listen to Music or watch a movie to ‘change the channel’ if feeling overwhelmed to distract and refocus. Have a “paint and sip” with a friend in person or over zoom (check out Pinterest for picture ideas). Learn a new hobby like a craft or a musical instrument. Bake something or cook a new meal.
- Breathe- My favorite is breathing. Become aware of your breath and how freeing it is to breath in and out. Google for more fun, new ideas!
- NOTICE. STOP. REFRAME. Most importantly, NOTICE your thoughts STOP and REFRAME to the positive, change the direction of your actions and THRIVE in this gift of the moment today!

Meghan Rush, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Wenatchee, WA
Extra Helpful Links:
Local NAMI- National Alliance for Mental Illness
TheNCW Behavioral Health Chelan-Douglas Crisis Hotline: (509)662-7105 or (800)852-2923
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (Online Chat Available): (800)273-8255 / TTY: (800)799-4889
Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio (en español): (888)628-9454
Anonymous Crisis Text-Line: Text HELLO to 741741
Crisis Line For Teens and Youth (6pm – 10pm PST): 1-866-TEENLINK / (866)833-6543
Pinterest has LOADS of great worksheets to help with challenging negative thoughts!
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