Growing up in a Mexican-American family of ten, Samael’s (Sammy) family has always been a core piece of him. He shares how he’s experienced loneliness as a high school student while embracing a society that is not tied to his culture of origin. He also shares about some of the challenges of “growing up” and how his connections have grown and changed as he’s transitioned into adulthood. In his video, he shares: “If I didn’t have those deep relationships, I would definitely be lost… [my] deep friendships have helped me view life differently.”
Sammy talks about how he’s intentionally pursued growth and how getting out of your shell and meeting new people changes your perspective and helps you overcome obstacles.
This is his story.
50 Deep Conversation Starters for Meaningful Connections: Read this article with helpful distinctions between “small talk” conversations and meaningful conversations, so you can build deeper (and more meaningful) friendships like Sammy shares about
Loneliness & Isolation: What Can Families Do?: If you’re a parent, here’s some practical ways to address loneliness in a family dynamic and start conversations that matter with your kids

1. Intentionally connect with someone you care about! Who is the first person that comes to your mind right now? Send them a text, give them a phone call, set a time to grab lunch.
2. Rep the I KNOW LONELY merch! Be a voice for the project by repping some merch from the I Know Lonely collection. From cozy hoodies and sweatshirts to sticker packs or hats, you can shop the full collection here.
3. Become a monthly donor! We know there are so many more stories like Sammy’s that need to be told. Stories that share their own experiences through topics like anxiety and depression, addiction, mental health struggles, losing a loved one to suicide… everybody has a story worth telling. And you can help us share these stories with the world by supporting the I Know Lonely Project. Even the smallest gifts can make an impact. Give here!
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